Итоги деятельности Санкт-Петербургского отделения ISPOR за 2014 г.

- Новости /
ISPOR Russia St. Petersburg Chapter
Annual Report 2014
Professor Alexey Kolbin, MD, PhD, Doctor of Science
Head of the department of clinical pharmacology and evidence-based medicine
First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Peterburg
Professor of Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine St. Petersburg State University
197022, Russia, St. Petersburg, Lva Tolstogo 6-8
Tel: 89217590449
mail: alex.kolbin@mail.ru
ISPOR Russia St. Petersburg Chapter was accepted in November 2012.
President of ISPOR Russia St. Petersburg Chapter
Alexey Kolbin,
MD, PhD, Doctor of ScienceHead of the department of clinical pharmacology and evidence-based medicineFirst Pavlov State Medical University of St. Peterburg Professor of Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine St. Petersburg State University Head of the Regional Centre for the Monitoring of the Safety of Medicines (Pharmacovigilance) in the North-Western Federal District of Russia and the city of St Petersburg St P Russia, Saint Petersburg
Vice President
Edwin Zvartau,
MD, PhD, Doctor of Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Pharmacology
Executive Director
DrPH, MD, CEO of "Center of Pharmacoeconomics Research"
External Relations Director
Zakhar Golant,
Candidate of sciences in economics
Head of the Board at NCP "Medical-pharmaceutical projects. XXI century" (cluster organization)
Alexey Kurilev, MD
Medical expert of Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacology
Members of the ISPOR Russia St. Petersburg Chapter:
Alexandra Burbello, MD, PhD, Doctor of Science, Nord-West State Medical University, ProfessoClinical pharmacologist; Alla Rudakova, PharmD, PhD, Doctor of Science, SPbCPhA, Professor; Andrey Pavlysh, MD, PhD, Pavlov State Medical University of Saint Petersburg; Boris Andreev, MD, Doctor of Science, professor, St. Petersburg State University, Head of the department of pharmacology; Georgy Manikhas, MD, PhD, Doctor of Science, City Oncological Clinic, Heard; Yulia Balykina, MS, St Petersburg State University, Assistant; Maksim Proskurin, MS, St Petersburg State University, Assistant; Julia Gomon, DrPH,MD, St.George the Martyr City Hospital, Clinical pharmacologist; Nikolai Klimko, MD, PhD, Doctor of Science, North-Western State Medical University, Head of the department; Sergey Zyryanov, MD, PhD, Doctor of Science, Russian State Medical University, Professor, Head of the laboratory of clinical pharmacology; Oleg Karpov, MD, PhD, Doctor of Science, Professor, Sanofi, Head of Health Economics and Pricing Policy, Market Access Dept; Natalia Zakharova, MD, PhD, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, North-Western State Medical University; Stanislav Malyshev, St. Petersburg State University, student.
For more information of Chapter, please visit at http://www.ispor.org/regional_chapters/Russia-StPetersburg/index.asp and http://www.labclinpharm.ru.
Activites of the Chapter can be summarized as follows
I. The following articles have been published in Russian and International journals about pharmacoeconomical and health technology assessment researches:
№ |
Title |
Journal |
Autor |
1. |
Pharmacoeconomic Analysis of Telmisartan in Combination with Amlodipine (Tvinsta®) for Outpatient Treatment of Patients with 1st and 2nd degree hypertension with Ineffectiveness of Previous Monotherapy with Amlodipine. |
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy. 2014, 23 (1). – P.1-6. |
A.S. Kolbin, A.A. Kurylev, M.A. Proskurin, Y.E. Balykina |
2. |
International Pharmacoeconomic Studies on HIV-Infection |
Economic and Clinical Issues of HIV Infection. Ed. by N.A.Belyakova, N.G.Zaharova, N.V.Sizova. Medical theme archive. St. Petersburg: Baltic Medical Education Center, 2014. Issue 6. – P. 5-20. |
Kolbin A.S., Kurylev A.A., Musatov B.V., Yakovlev A.A. |
3. |
Comparative Analysis of Health Technology Assessment |
Armenian Medical Review Journal, 2014, - P.34. |
Kolbin A.S., Pavlysh A.V., Kurylev A.A., Belousov D.Yu. |
4. |
Pharmacoeconomic Analysis of Telmisartan / Amlodipine (Tvinsta®) in Patients with 1st and 2nd Degree Hypertension with Ineffectiveness of Monotherapy with Amlodipine |
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy. 2014, 23 (1). – P.87-92. |
A.S. Kolbin, A.A. Kurylev, M.A. Proskurin, Y.E. Balykina |
5. |
HIV infection are immunosuppression. – 2014.- Issue 1 – P.110-116. |
Kolbin A.S., Pavlysh A.V. |
6. |
Federal Guidelines for Physicians on the Use of Drugs (formulary system)" |
Volume XV, Moscow, 2014 |
Edited by A.G. Chuchalin |
7. |
Pharmacoeconomic Analysis of Botulinum Toxin in Complex Therapy for Cerebral Palsy |
Good Clinical Practice. – 2014. - Issue 1. – P. 14-24. |
Kolbin A.S., Vilium I.A., Proskurin M.A., Balykina Y.E. |
8. |
Health Technology Assessment of Hyaluronans in Osteoarthritis Treatment |
Good Clinical Practice. – 2014. - Issue 1. – P. 40-57. |
Kolbin A.S., Vilium I.A., Balykina Y.E., Proskurin M.A. |
9. |
Assessment of the Economic Evaluation of the Contrast Agent MultiHance |
Good Clinical Practice. – 2014. - Issue 1. –P. 57-68. |
Kolbin A.S., Vilyum I.A. |
10. |
Assessment of the Economic Feasibility of the Contrast Agent Iomeron in Percutaneous Coronary Intervention |
Good Clinical Practice. 2014. - Issue 1. – P. 68-77 |
Kolbin A.S., Vilyum I.A. |
11. |
Microeconomic Tools Application for Marketing: Health Care Expenses in the Modern Russia
Journal of Management and Marketing, Scientific Publisher. 2014;2 (1): 19—26.
Prasolov A.V., Kolbin A.S.
12. |
HIV infection are immunosuppression. – 2014.- Issue 1 – P.110-116. |
Kolbin A.S., Pavlysh A.V. |
13. |
Role of Randomized Trials in Pharmacoepidemiology |
Pharmacoeconomics. Modern Pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacoeconomics. – 2014. Vol. 7. Issue 1. – P. 1 – 7.
Galankin T.L., Kolbin A.S. |
14. |
Pharmacoeconomic Usefulness of the Drug Giotrif® (Afitinib) in first-line Treatment of Locally Advanced or Metastatic Non-small Cell Lung Cancer with a Mutation of Epidermal Growth factor Receptor (EGRfr) |
Modern Oncology. – 2014. – Vol. 16. – Iss. 2. – P. 66-73. |
A.S. Kolbin, A.A. Kurylev, A.V. Pavlysh, M.A. Proskurin, Yu.E. Balykina |
15. |
Systematic Review of Mathematical Models Used for Predicting Bacterial Resistance |
Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2014. – Vol.16. – Iss. 2. – P.137-143. |
Arepyeva M.A., Kolbin A.S., Kurylyov A.A., Balykina Yu. E., Sidorenko S.V. |
16. |
Assessment of the economic feasibility of gadoversetamide (OptiMARK) in MRI with intravenous contrast |
Good Clinical Practice. – 2014. - Issue 2. – P. 77-81. |
Kolbin A.S., Vilum I.A. |
17. |
Pharmacoeconomic Analysis of using Dabigatran Etexilate (Pradaksa®) in Comparison with Other Anticoagulants for the Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism and Deep Venous Thrombosis |
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy. – 2014. - 23 (5). – P.91-96. |
A.S. Kolbin, A.A. Kurylev, M.A. Proskurin, Y.E. Balykina |
18. |
Pediatric Pharmacology. – 2014. – Vol. 11.-Iss. 3.- P.15-20 |
Kolbin A.S., Gapeshin R.A., Malyshev S.M. |
20. |
Economic Analysis of Prolonged-Release Tacrolimus (Advagraf®) for the Prevention and Treatment of Liver Transplant Rejection in adult patients |
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy. – 2014. –Vol.23. Iss. 4. P. 103-108. |
Kolbin A.S., Kurylev A.A., Proscurin M.A., Balykina Yu.E. |
21. |
Pharmacoeconomic Analysis of the Use of Ribomustin® in 1st Line Therapy of Multiple Myeloma for Patients Older than 65 Years |
Pharmacoeconomics. ModernPharmacoeconomicsandPharmacoepidemiology. 2014. – 7(2). – P.6– 12. |
Kolbin A.S., Vilum I.A., Balykina Yu.E., Proskurin M.A.
22. |
The Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Use of Dydrogesterone in Premenstrual Syndrome
Value in health. 2014;17(7): PgA508. ISPOR 17 annual European Congress. November 8-12. 2014. PIH22. |
Kolbin A., Vilum I., Balykina Yu., Proskurin M.
23. |
Pharmacoeconomic Analysis of the Use of Sunitinib (Sutent) in First-Line Treatment of Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma. |
PracticalPharmacoeconomics. Vol. 2. Broncho-pulmonology, Oncology, Gynecology, Neurology (research collection), 2014. - P.31-44. |
KolbinA.S., KurylevA.A., PavlyshA.V. |
24. |
Pharmacoeconomic Examination of the Use of Certain Progestogens in Treatment of Reccurent Pregnancy Loss |
Gynecology, Obstetrics and Perinatology. 2014, - Vol. 13, Iss. 6, P. - 12–17 |
A.S.Kolbin, I.A.Vilyum, M.A.Proskurin, Yu.E.Balykina |
25. |
Pharmacoeconomic Expertise of Using Duphaston® in Obstetrics and Gynecology under Threatened Miscarriage. |
Effective pharmacotherapy. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2014. – Iss. №5. – P.18-24 |
Kolbin A.S., Vilyum I.A., Proskurin M.A., Balykina Y.E. |
26. |
Pharmacoeconomic Analysis of Oxaliplatin in Chemotherapy for Colorectal Cancer. Data from Actual Clinical Practice. |
Pharmacoeconomics. 2014. – Vol.7.- Iss. 3.-P..26-29. |
Pavlysh A.V., Kolbin A.S., Kasimova A.R. |
27. |
Pharmacoepidemiology of botulinum toxin in the complex therapy of poststroke spasticity in the Russian Federation. The survey data of neurologists |
Good Clinical Practice. – 2014. – Iss. 3. – P. 18-23 |
Kolbin A.S., Vilum I.A. |
28. |
Pharmacoeconomic aspects of androgen blockade by goserelin for locally advanced prostate cancer in patients receiving radiation therapy |
Problemy standartizatsii v zdravoochranenii. 2014. – 7- P. 8-14. |
Rudakova A.V., Petrov S.B. |
29. |
Pharmacoeconomic aspects of vaccination of children by 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in the Russian Federation |
Voprosysovremennoipediatrii. 2014. – 13(1). - P.51-59. |
Rudakova A.V., Baranov A.A., Lobzin Yu.V., Briko N.I., Namazova-Baranova L.S., Tatochenko V.K., Charit S.M., Sidorenko S.V., Korolyova I.S., Kozlov R.S., Mayanski N.A., Kostinov M.P., Snegova N.F. |
30. |
Pharmacoeconomic aspects of apixaban and other new oral anticoagulants use in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation |
Kardiologia. 2014. – 54(7). - P. 43-52. |
Rudakova A.V., Tatarski B.A. |
31. |
Cost-effectiveness of paricalcitol and combination of cinacalcet and nonselective preparations of vitamin D in chronic kidney disease at fifth stage in the Russian Federation |
Nephrologia. 2014. – 18(6). - P. 64-70. |
Niuiten M., Rudakova A.V., Marshall T. |
32. |
Clinical and pharmacoeconomic aspects of heart failure therapy by selective aldosterone antagonist eplerenone |
Consilium Medicum. 2014. 16(5). - P. 47-50. |
Rudakova A.V., Moiseeva O.M. |
33. |
Cost-effectiveness of abiraterone in paients with castration-resistant prostate cancer previously treated with docetaxel |
Onkourologia. 2014. - 3. - P. 73-77. |
Rudakova A.V., Meshkov D.O., Mishugin S.V |
34. |
Pharmacoeconomic aspects of prevention of stroke and systemic embolism in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation: apixaban compared with warfarin and acetylsalicylic acid |
Ratsionalnaya pharmakoterapia v kardiologii. 2014. – 10(3). - P. 275-282.
Rudakova A.V., Parfenov V.A. |
35. |
Pharmacoeconomic aspects of diagnosis of tuberculosis in patients with HIV infection using GENE XPERT MTB/RIF method |
VICH-infektsia i immunosupressia. 2014. – 6(4). - P.51-56.
Shumlyanskaia V.E., Rudakova A.V. |
36. |
Pharmacoeconomic aspects of HIV therapy using fixed antiretroviral drug combinations |
VICH-infektsia i immunosupressia. 2014. – 6(1). - P. 97-100. |
Rudakova A.V. |
36. |
Efficiency of conjugate pneumococcal vaccine to prevent pneumococcal disease |
Zhurnal infektologii. 2014. 6(2). - P. 43-47. |
Perova A.L., Rudakova A.V., Charit S.M. |
37. |
Assesment of prevented expenses for rotavirus infection treatment by vaccination with 5-valent vaccine in the Russian Federation |
Zhurnal infektologii. 2014. 6. - 2. - P. 71-75.
Rudakova A.V., Charit S.M., Uskov A.N., Lobzin Yu.V. |
38. |
Cost analysis of the first line antiretroviral therapy in the Russian Federation |
Zhurnal infektologii. 2014. 6. - 1. - P. 72-77 |
Rudakova A.V. |
39. |
Cost-effectiveness of different approaches to the diagnosis of tuberculosis in patients with HIV infection |
Epidemiologia i infektsionnye bolezni. Aktualnyevoprosy. 2014. - 5. - P. 21-28. |
Shumlyanskaya V.E., Rudakova A.V. |
40. |
Pharmacoeconomic aspects of immunodeficiency virus therapy using fixed combination of highly active antiretroviral therapy (emtricitabine/ rilpivirine/ tenofovir) |
Infektsionnye bolezni: novosti, mneniya, obuchenie. 2014. - 2 (7). - P.89-97.
Rudakova A.V., Meshkov D.O., Serebryakov E.M. |
41. |
Pharmacoeconomic aspects of use of intestinal gel containing levodopa and carbidopa in Parkinson's disease
Zhurnal nevrologii i psychiatrii. 2014.- 10. - P.80-84.
Rudakova A.V., Yakupov E.Z.
42. |
Assessment of the economic efficiency of the anesthetic nefopam in therapy postoperative pain |
Good Clinical Practice, 2014. - №3. – P.27 - 34.
Belousov D.U., Afanasyeva E.V., Efremova E.A. |
43. |
Analysis of the epidemiological indicators of type 2 diabetes in the adult population of Moscow |
Diabetes mellitus. 2014. 3. - P. 5 – 16. |
Kalashnikova M.F., Suntsov Y.I., Belousov D.U., Kantemirova M.A. |
44. |
Pharmacoeconomics of dapagliflozin in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with inadequate glycemic control. |
Good Clinical Practice, №3, 2014. - P. 3 - 17. |
Ziryanov S.K., Kalashnikova M.F., Belousov D.U., Afanasieva E.V. |
45. |
Comparative evaluation of economic efficiency of modern inhaled anesthetics. |
Good Clinical Practice, №2, 2014. – P. 3 - 20. |
Belousov D.U., Afanasyeva E.V., Efremova E.A. |
46. |
Pharmacoeconomic analysis of adjuvant use of zonisamide therapy resistant partial epilepsy in adults. |
Good Clinical Practice, №1, 2014, - P. 35 - 50.
Belousov D.U., Afanasyeva E.V., Efremova E.A. |
47. |
Pharmacoeconomic analysis of perampanel for resistance partial epilepsy. |
Good Clinical Practice, №1, 2014, - P.24 - 39. |
Belousov D.U., Afanasyeva E.V., Efremova E.A. |
48. |
Basal insulin analogues in the diabetes mellitus type 2 control — economic aspects. |
Good Clinical Practice, №1, 2014, - P.3 - 13. |
Belousov D.U., Afanasyeva E.V. |
49. |
Pharmacoeconomic aspects of the diabetic ketoacidosis prevention in type 1 diabetes mellitus by self-monitoring of blood ketones. |
Good Clinical Practice, №2, 2014, - P.58 - 65.
Petryaykina E.E., Belousov D.U., Rybkina I.I., Koltunov I.E. |
50. |
Provision of medicines care provided in municipal health care institutions in the Moscow region in stationary conditions (2012 – 2014 years). |
Good Clinical Practice, №3, 2014, - P.30 - 35.
Malaev M.G. |
51. |
Analysis of drug purchases after the entry into force of the federal contract system |
Good Clinical Practice, №1, 2014, - P.77 - 82. |
Malaev M.G. |
52. |
Analysis of drugs procurement to ensure the provision of medical care in hospitals. |
Good Clinical Practice, №1, 2014, - P.83 - 86. |
Malaev M.G. |
II. Oral and Poster Presentations at the ISPOR International and European Meeeting:
1.The cost-effectiveness analysis for use of dydrogesterone in premenstrual syndrome. Kolbin A., Vilum I., Balykina Yu., Proskurin M. ISPOR 17 annual European Congress. November 8-12. 2014.
2. Cost-effectiveness of apixaban compared to warfarin and aspirin in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation in the Russian Federation. A.V. Rudakova, V.A. Parfenov. Value in Health. 2014. PCV97. ISPOR 17 annual European Congress. November 8-12. 2014.
III. Oral and Poster Presentations at the Russian Meeting on health economics and health technology assessment researches:
1. Toporov S.E., Rudakova A.V., Sizova N.V., Zacharova N.G., Rassochin V.V. Pharmacoeconomic analysis of first-line HAART. Application of the "decision tree" model // Collection of materials of the II Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation "Innovation in Health of the Nation".- S.-Petersburg, November 17, 2014- P. 231-234.
2. Shumlyanskaia V.E., Rudakova A.V. Cost-benefit analysis of the different approaches to the diagnosis of tuberculosis in HIV-infected population // Collection of materials of the II Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation "Innovation in Health of the Nation".- S.-Petersburg, November 17, 2014- P. 254-257.
3. Shumlyanskaia V.E., Rudakova A.V. Cost-effectiveness of different algorithms of diagnosis of tuberculosis in patients with HIV infection // Proceedings of the III Congress of the National Association of Phthisiologists, 27.11.134-29.11.14. ".- S.-Petersburg: the National Association of Phthisiologists: 2014. -P.202
4. Samarina A.V., Rudakova A.V. Evaluating cost-effectiveness of prevention programs for perinatal transmission of HIV and family planning programs among HIV-infected women // Collection of materials of the IV Conference on HIV / AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Moscow, 2014 - P.275.
5. Rovny V.B., Rudakova A.V., Babchenko I.V. Epidemiological and pharmacoeconomic rationale for prevention of respiratory syncytial infection in children // Materials of the VIII Russian forum with international participation "Children's health: prevention and treatment of socially significant diseases". S.-Petersburg.- 2014.- P. 227.
6. Rudakova A.V., Lobzin Yu.V. Sidorenko S.V., Charit S.M. Assessment of the cost-effectiveness of vaccination of infants against pneumococcal disease with 10-valent pneumococcal vaccine // Mat. XVII Congress of Pediatricians of Russia with international participation "Actual problems of Pediatrics".- 2014.- P. 283.
IV. Oral Presentations at the Russian Meeting on health economics and health technology assessment researches:
№ пп. |
Conference Title |
Organizers |
Paper Title |
Date |
Venue |
1. |
1. "Medicine and Pharmacology" Workshop of the Social Service Guardianship Council of the Russian Federation.
Russian Medical Society |
Medicine and Pharmacology |
27/12/2013 |
Moscow |
2. |
IX All-Russian Medical Forum 2. |
Russian Medical Society |
Pharmacovigilance in the Russian Federation. State of the art. The role of a doctor.
23/1/2014 |
Moscow |
3. |
Training Seminar (5th Interregional Conference) of All-Russian project for the Training of Scientific Personnel in the field of Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacoeconomics and Drug Supply
Association of Clinical Pharmacologists of the Russian Federation |
Health Technology Assessment: Application Prospects and Practical Experience. |
4/2/2014 |
Moscow |
4. |
"Medicine and Pharmaceutics" Workshop |
Social Service Guardianship Council of the Russian Federation.
Interchangeability of Drugs |
4/2/2014 |
Moscow |
5. |
Discussion of the Issues of Health Technology Assessment Implementation in the Russian Federation
The Federal Antimonopoly Service Expert Council for Developing Competition in Social and Public Health Services
What Do We Use When Assessing Health Technologies?
10/2/2014 |
Москва |
6. |
II International Scientific and Practical Symposium "HIV-infection and pharmacoeconomics"
North-West Department of RAMS, Health Committee of St.-Petersburg |
Health Technology Assessment in HIV Infection
14/2/2014 |
Saint Petersburg |
7. |
Roundtable "Selecting the Induction Treatment for Patients with Kidney Transplant" |
MoH of Sverdlovsk region |
Pharmacoeconomic Aspects of Induction Therapy in Kidney Transplantation. |
3/4/2014 |
Ekaterinburg |
8. |
All-Russian Meeting "Actual Problems of Clinical Pharmacology and Drug Supply" Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Clinical Pharmacology and Drug Supply"
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation |
The Experience of Distance Learning in Clinical Pharmacology at the Postgraduate Stage of Training for Doctors |
23/4/2014 |
Saratov |
9. |
All-Russian Meeting "Actual Problems of Clinical Pharmacology and Drug Supply" Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Clinical Pharmacology and Drug Supply"
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation |
Pharmacoeconomic Ground of Innovative Therapy of Bronchial Asthma
24/4/2014 |
Saratov |
10. |
XVI International Congress on Antimicrobial Therapy |
The Interregional Association for Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (IACMAC), European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease (ESCMID), Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotic (APUA), The International Society of Chemotherapy (ISC), |
Mathematical Models for Predicting Resistance by Analyzing the Consumption of Antibiotics |
21/5/2014 |
Moscow |
11. |
Biologics and Biosimilars – Regulatory and Clinical Aspects. Modern Challenges to Regulatory System. Expert Session |
National Research Institute of Public Health, Russian Academy of Sciences |
Adverse Events of biologics |
29/5/2014 |
Moscow |
12. |
Topical Issues of Preclinical and Clinical Trials of Drugs and Medical Devices |
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation |
Comparative Effectiveness Research –- a Modern Challenge in the Paradigm of Clinical Trials
10/6/2014 |
Saint-Petersburg |
13. |
Health Committee of St.-Petersburg; Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of St. Petersburg; Saint-Petersburg I.I. Dzhanelidze Research Institute of Emergency Care |
Pharmacoeconomic Aspects of Empirical Therapy |
11-13/9/2014 |
Saint-Petersburg |
14. |
The Society of Professional Pharmaceutical Organizations |
The Structure of the Dossier; Pharmacology as a Basis for the Inclusion of the Drug; Quantitative and Qualitative Indicators – Priority |
30/9/2014 |
Moscow |
15. |
The Introduction of Health Technology Assessment in the Russian Federation |
Social Platform "UNITED RUSSIA" |
The Role of Expertise in Circulation of Drugs and Medical Devices |
1/10/2014 |
Moscow |
16. |
Meeting of Chief Experts (Oncology) "Improving the Results of Treatment in Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma"
Health Committee |
Clinical and Economic Aspects of Targeted Therapy in Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma |
15/10/2014 |
St.-Petersburg |
17. |
IX Scientific and Practical Congress with International Participation "Rational Pharmacotherapy 2014"
Health Committee of St.-Petersburg; Professional Medical Association of Clinical Pharmacologists of St.-Petersburg |
Special Aspects of Biologics Safety Monitoring |
17/10/2014 |
St.-Petersburg |
18. |
5th Scientific Conference “Rational Pharmacotherapy” |
Health Committee of St.-Petersburg
Do We Know Everything About Drugs After Clinical Trials?
29/10/2014 |
St.-Petersburg |
19. |
IV Annual International Partnering Forum «Life Sciences Invest. Partnering Russia»
SPCPA, Government of St. Petersburg |
Financing Health Care System. Compulsory Health Insurance. High-Tech Medical Care. Various Approaches and Models of Drug Supply System Development. Prototype Models. |
18/11/2014 |
Saint Petersburg |
20. |
International Forum "Health Technology Assessment in Russia", IV Session. |
New Requirements for the Formation of Limited Lists: Are There Any Signs of HTA?
2/12/2014 |
Moscow |
21. |
International Conference on Computer Technologies in Physical and Engineering Applications (ICCTPEA) |
St. Petersburg State University, IVESC International Steering Committee, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology State University, Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS, Scientific Council of RAS on Physical Electronics, American Vacuum Society, Interregional Innovative development Center “INNO-MIR”, Russian Foundation for Basic Research. |
Modern Approaches to Drug Research and Development Using Mathematical Modeling
June 30 – July 4, 2014 |
Saint-Petersburg |
22. |
Conjoint ISPOR Russia HTA and ISPOR St Petersburg Chapters Meeting,ISPOR 17th Annual European Congress |
Mathematic Modeling Methods as a Necessary Instrument of Assessing Medical Technologies. Is it Possible to Use this Instrument under the Current System of Compiling Limited Drug Lists in Russia?
11/11/2014 |
Amsterdam |
23. |
2nd International Educational Forum "Russian Days of the heart" |
Russian Medical Society |
Pharmacoeconomic aspects of prevention of thromboembolic complications in patients with atrial fibrillation
2/6/2014 |
St. Petersburg |
24. |
XIII International Workshop of continuing medical education (CME) in nephrology, under the auspices of the International Society of Nephrology (ISN GO) («Week Nephrology 2014") |
Russian Medical Society |
Pharmacoeconomic aspects of treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism in hemodialysis patients
2/6/2014 |
St. Petersburg |
25. |
XVI Moscow International Course on endovascular diagnosis and treatment |
Pharmacoeconomic aspects of the left atrial appendage occlusion in patients with atrial fibrillation
16// 2014 |
Moscow, 16- |
26. |
VIII Congress with international participation "Development of pharmacoeconomics and pharmacoepidemiology in the Russian Federation" |
Pharmacoeconomic aspects of treatment of lung cancer
4/4/2014 |
Rostov-on-Don, |
27. |
The Fifth Meeing of the Russian Society of Interventional Cardioangiologists |
Evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of WATCHMAN device implantation for occlusion of the left atrial appendage in patients with atrial fibrillation compared with anticoagulant therapy
28/4/2014 |
Moscow |
28. |
IX Congress with international participation "Rational pharmacotherapy - 2014" |
SPb |
Cost-effectiveness of intestinal gel Levodopa / carbidopa in patients with severe Parkinson's disease", "Cost-effectiveness of targeted therapy for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
16/10/2014 |
St. Petersburg |
29. |
2nd Interregional Scientific and Practical Symposium "HIV - medicine and pharmacoeconomics" |
Pharmacoeconomic aspects of the treatment of HIV infection with the use of fixed combinations of antiretroviral drugs
14/2/2014 |
St. Petersburg |
30. |
VI Annual All-Russian Congress on Infectious Diseases |
Pharmacoeconomic aspects of vaccination against pneumococcal infections in the Russian Federation
25/3/2014 |
Moscow |
31. |
Public Coordinating Council for pneumococcal disease in Russia |
Performance criteria used for pharmacoeconomic evaluation of vaccines
13/12/2014 |
Moscow |
32. |
Assembly of Experts of Northwestern Federal District "Interdisciplinary approach in the diagnosis and treatment of immune-mediated diseases" |
Cost-effectiveness for biological drugs for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
6/6/2014 |
St. Petersburg |
33. |
Workshop of experts in Moscow "Interdisciplinary approach in the diagnosis and treatment of immune-mediated diseases" |
Pharmacoeconomic aspects of choice of biological products for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
1/11/2014 |
Moscow |
V. Meeting created by Chapter:
1. Actual problems of HTA and health care system financing in Russia. 11/11/2014ia: new challenges of the health care system. ISPOR 17 annual European Congress. November 8-12. Amsterdam.
2. Life Sciences Invest. Partnering Russia. Saint Petersburg, 18/11/2014.
VI. Own educational courses
1. Main issues of health technology assessment (technology used in health care. The schedule was 6 days a week during 1 mounth, totally 144 hours. May, 2014. Saint Petersburg.
Name of sectionsand disciplines: Stages of drug development; Health technology assessment (HTA): history, goals, and the basic principles; Models and approaches for HTA; Effectiveness and efficacy of health technologies. Comparative studies; Adverse events; Basics of clinical and economic analysis. Pharmacoeconomics; Analysis of the results. Working with literature. Medical statistics; Reporting and publishing of the results; Development, adoption and evaluation of management decisions; Using HTA to justify the selection of therapy - some legal issues.
VII. Translation of ISPOR Good Practices for Outcomes Research Articles (Available for Translation).
1. Retaining, and Enhancing, the QALY. Translator (name, title, organization, position): Irina Villum; MD, PhD; First State Medical University of St.Peterburg. Reviewer (name, title, organization, position): Sviatoslav Plavinski MD, PhD, DSc, North-West State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov, Dept. Head.
2. QALYs: Some Challenges. Translator (name, title, organization, position): Irina Villum; MD, PhD; First State Medical University of St.Peterburg. Reviewer (name, title, organization, position): Sviatoslav Plavinski MD, PhD, DSc, North-West State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov, Dept. Head.
3. QALYs: The Basics. Translator (name, title, organization, position): Irina Villum; MD, PhD; First State Medical University of St.Peterburg. Reviewer (name, title, organization, position): Sviatoslav Plavinski MD, PhD, DSc, North-West State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov, Dept. Head.
4. The Use of QALYs in Clinical and Patient Decision-Making: Issues and Prospects. Translator (name, title, organization, position): Irina Villum; MD, PhD; First State Medical University of St.Peterburg. Reviewer (name, title, organization, position): Alexey Kolbin, MD, PhD, DSc, professor, First State Medical University of St.Peterburg.
5. Toward a Consensus on the QALY. Translator (name, title, organization, position): Irina Villum; MD, PhD; First State Medical University of St.Peterburg. Reviewer (name, title, organization, position): Belousov Dmitry, CEO, Center of pharmacoeconomics & outcomes research, Russia, Moscow
6. Model Transparency and Validation: A Report of the ISPOR-SMDM Modeling Good Research Practices Task Force-7. Translator (name, title, organization, position): Alexey Kurylev; MD; First State Medical University of St.Peterburg. Reviewer (name, title, organization, position): Alexey Kolbin; MD, PhD, DSc; First State Medical University of St.Peterburg; professor, head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology.
7. Using Real-World Data for Coverage and Payment Decisions: The ISPOR Real-World Data Task Force Report. Translator (name, title, organization, position): Alexey Kurylev; MD; First State Medical University of St.Peterburg. Reviewer (name, title, organization, position): Alexey Kolbin; MD, PhD, DSc; First State Medical University of St.Peterburg; professor, head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology.
8. Validation of Electronic Systems to Collect Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) Data—Recommendations for Clinical Trial Teams: Report of the ISPOR ePRO Systems Validation Good Research Practices Task Force. Translator (name, title, organization, position): Andrey Pavlysh; MD,PhD; First State Medical University of St.Peterburg. Reviewer (name, title, organization, position): Alexey Kolbin; MD, PhD, DSc; First State Medical University of St.Peterburg; professor, head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Elena Verbitskaya, Docent, PhD, First Pavlov State Medical University, associate professor.
9. Recommendations on Evidence Needed to Support Measurement Equivalence between Electronic and Paper-Based Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) Measures: ISPOR ePRO Good Research Practices Task Force Report. Translator (name, title, organization, position): Andrey Pavlysh; MD,PhD; First State Medical University of St.Peterburg. Reviewer (name, title, organization, position): Elena Verbitskaya, Docent, PhD, First Pavlov State Medical University, associate professor.
10.Multinational Trials—Recommendations on the Translations Required, Approaches to Using the Same Language in Different Countries, and the Approaches to Support Pooling the Data: The ISPOR Patient-Reported Outcomes Translation and Linguistic Validation Good Research Practices Task Force Report. Translator (name, title, organization, position): Andrey Pavlysh; MD,PhD; First State Medical University of St.Peterburg. Reviewer (name, title, organization, position): Elena Verbitskaya, Docent, PhD, First Pavlov State Medical University, associate professor.
11.Dynamic Transmission Modeling: A Report of the ISPOR-SMDM Modeling Good Research Practices Task Force-5. Translator (name, title, organization, position): Gapeshin Roman, MD, St Petersburg State University. Reviewer (name, title, organization, position): Sviatoslav Plavinski MD, PhD, DSc, North-West State Medical University.
12.Modeling using Discrete Event Simulation: A Report of the ISPOR-SMDM Modeling Good Research Practices Task Force-4. Translator (name, title, organization, position): Gapeshin Roman, MD, St Petersburg State University. Reviewer (name, title, organization, position):Sergey Zyryanov; MD, PhD, DSc, professor; Russian National Research Medical University.
13.Pediatric Patient-Reported Outcome Instruments for Research to Support Medical Product Labeling: Report of the ISPOR Good Research Practices for the Assessment of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Children and Adolescents Task Force. Translator (name, title, organization, position): Gapeshin Roman, MD, St Petersburg State University. Reviewer (name, title, organization, position): Alexey Kolbin, MD, PhD, DSc, professor, First State Medical University of St.Peterburg.
14.Budget Impact Analysis—Principles of Good Practice: Report of the ISPOR 2012 Budget Impact Analysis Good Practice II Task Force. Translator (name, title, organization, position): Timofey Galankin, MD, First Pavlov State Medical University, associate professor. Reviewer (name, title, organization, position): Alla Rudakova, PharmD, PhD, DSc, professor, St. Petersburg State Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy.
15.Principles of Good Practice for Decision Analytic Modeling in Health-Care Evaluation: Report of the ISPOR Task Force on Good Research Practices—Modeling Studies. Translator (name, title, organization, position): Yulia Balykina; MS, PhD; St Petersburg State University. Reviewer (name, title, organization, position):Sergey Zyryanov; MD, PhD, DSc, professor; Russian National Research Medical University.
VIII. Journals where we are an editors and can provide ideology and methodology of pharmacoeconomics and health technology assessment
1. Good Clinical Practice. www.clinvest.ru
IX. Own websites